Permainan Sensorik, Mengapa Penting bagi Anak?

Permainan Sensorik, Mengapa Penting bagi Anak?
Ilustrasi permainan sensorik. Credits: Freepik

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Sensory play has the potential to stimulate children's five senses—sight, hearing, scent, taste, and touch. This plays a significant part in a child's growth. What is the importance of exposing children to sensory play?


What is sensory play?

Sensory play is specifically designed to stimulate stimulation in one or several senses of a child, including touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste. These plays enable children to develop an understanding of their surroundings, including the items they interact with, the scents they perceive, the noises they hear, and the flavors they experience.

Babies explore and comprehend the world using their senses from the first day they are born. This helps to explain why babies and toddlers sometimes wish to touch everything and bite objects.

Babies also play with the sounds around them and sometimes produce amusing noises with their mouths. Each one of these games is an aspect of sensory exploration.

Read more: Various Games To Increase Children's Focus And Concentration


Benefits of sensory play for kids

Sensory play is a critical feature of a child's development. This game provides several benefits, such as:

Advance both fine and gross motor skills

Children's fine and gross motor abilities can be developed via seemingly easy tasks such holding small objects, filling and emptying containers, and crawling or walking on surfaces of things.

Stimulate language development

Frequently, sensory play involves the task of describing and identifying objects. This game contributes to the development of children's language abilities and vocabulary. 

Children may participate in sensory play with their peers or in groups, which enables them to communicate, exchange ideas, and share experiences. This enhances their language and social abilities through interaction.

Improve problem solving abilities

Sensory play, which includes sand, water, and other textures, provides children with the chance to explore a variety of possibilities. They have the ability to experiment and think creatively in order to modify the material, much like when they are attempting to solve a problem.

As an example, attempting to do a task using certain materials is a common kind of little challenge that children engage in during sensory play. Children learn to think outside the box and assess the efficacy of their own solutions.

Read more: Balok Development Games Have Benefits For The Development Of Toddlers

Support social and emotional development

The social and emotional development of children can greatly benefit from group sensory play, as it teaches them to cooperate, share, and engage with other children.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Sensory play, such as playing with water or kneading dough, allows children to concentrate on their bodies and the sensations they experience. If they're feeling anxious or stressed out, this can help them divert their attention away from that.

Touching things like sand, dough, or water in a regular, rhythmic pattern might help one feel more at ease and secure emotionally. This is comparable to the calming and elevating effects of touch therapy.

Increase attention and concentration

Due to the precision and focus required by sensory play, children can improve their attention span and focus through this activity.

Build exploration and creativity skills

Through the exploration of various textures, smells, noises, and tastes, children are stimulated to enhance their creativity and imagination during play.


Simple musical instruments, tactile toys, sand or water, and activities involving scents and tastes are among the useful sensory play ideas. Not only is all of this entertaining, but it also helps a child's cognitive skills and brain development.

If you have queries concerning child development, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Selasa, 16 Juli 2024 | 06:40